Saturday, August 15, 2015

Rainy Day Outing to Mikiki with Friends

Today we were supposed to go to Penfold Park for a puppy picnic with many of our friends with dogs, but unfortunately it was Thunderstorm and Red Rain signal, so we decided to move the party to Mikiki Mall in San Po Kong instead.  Inside Mikiki there's a pet cafe that allows dogs to socialize while owners have a drink.  Admission is $70 for dogs which includes equal value of doggy snacks and cakes (which are very cute replicas of human food, like meat pies and cupcakes).  Owners pay $30 each and it includes one drink.  Celine, Clarence, and Cooper came along, as well as Annli and Bob.

$70 doggy entrance fee got us two lamb mincemeat pies for Mochi

Celine, Cooper, me, and Mochi

Mochi about to enjoy his mincemeat pie!

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