Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Mochi the Adolescent

In just a few short months Mochi has become almost fully grown! He is currently about 3.8 kg and our vet says he only has about 5% more growth margin probably.  Mochi has grown to become a loyal, stick-by-your-side, neat little dog and we wouldn't trade him for the world.  He loves to playfully push his favorite toys under the couch and retrieve them back (most of the time needing our help since he pushes it too far in), loves his liver treats and homemade meals, and has become so much more comfortable with his daily treadmill exercise as well as bathtime and grooming time.  He still loves Ducky the most as his favorite toy, but the other Tsum Tsums come in a close second. His hobby is stealing socks and other soft items from the closet and around the house.  His best buddy is Boo, my mom's dog, the two get on like white on rice anytime they are together.  We are really happy also that Mochi has become so much more comfortable at the park with other dogs, he goes right up to big dogs now to sniff them and will run around freely around the vicinity where we put our stuff!
Here he is making mischief with Boo before their bathtime!

Mochi definitely goes from raggedy to spruced up after a bath.

A cute shot with one of his favorite toys, Mr. Carrot. 

Throwback to when Mochi was itty bitty!

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