Friday, May 22, 2015

Mochi's Behavioural Issues and First Time Puppy Socialization Class

Mochi has entered his "terrible two's" so to speak, in terms of puppy behavior.  For the last two weeks he has been trying our patience with:

- constant pee off the pee pad
- growling
- jumping up on everything (and he's getting taller on bigger....)
- barking
- biting everything in sight
- resource guarding (especially his favorite toy, a small round duck)

We had another week or two to go before our first puppy training class with my parents' dog, Boo, and the trainer we had hired, James Leung.  That meant that we needed to just get through this trying period before official training without losing our minds.  To top it off, I had been going crazy with trying new foods with Mochi, not knowing that puppies' tummies are extremely sensitive, and the day I gave Mochi some cheese to eat he got seriously lethargic and ill and sulked in the corner of the living room all day.  The following morning, he vomited.  The vet advised us to keep him on a chicken and rice diet for a few days, which we followed but then I introduced a few kibbles back into his diet and he vomited again the next morning!  It seems he had quite the irritable tummy and it was too soon to get him back on his kibble diet.  The vet (who is extremely patient with our first time parenting skills) said, "Ok, no kibbles! Four days of chicken and rice only!" So now on a daily basis we are preparing chicken and rice for the Mochi.  He seemed to be quite bright and active other than his vomiting, so we decided to go ahead with his puppy training class.  This is the first time he met Boo, and the first time he had seen other dogs in a good long while, so it was a pretty big deal for him!

Mochi's mood all day after eating cheese -- who knew he's intolerant to dairy???

Mochi and Boo meet for the first time at puppy socialization class!

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