Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Tiny Puppy Treatments - Flea, Heartworm, and Dewormer (Roundworm, Tapeworm, Hookworm)

After Mochi's second vaccination the vet sent us home with some tiny treatments for Mochi: a flea and heartworm treatment made by REVOLUTION for puppies under 2kg, and a general dewormer targeting worms such as roundworm, tapeworm, and hookworm made by Milbemax.  She advised us to wait a few days after the vaccination to make sure he was not reacting to it before giving these medications to him, so since two days have passed without any adverse effects from the shot I gave them to him this morning.  

The Revolution package came with a 3 month supply (3 tubes), and it was very easy to administer.  It's simply a small tube of liquid that you squeeze onto the neck skin of the puppy, no rubbing needed.  It's absorbed topically through the skin and it's needed once a month to keep Mochi flea free and it treats heartworm too, although a full heartworm cycle takes six months to become mature and as Mochi is only 3 months old it's not entirely necessary as of yet.  

He also got a chewy dewormer tablet which I thought he would gobble up, but surprisingly he sniffed at it and left it where it was.  I tried to cut it up into four tiny pieces and he still wouldn't take the bait, so finally I mixed it into some soft canned dog food and that did the trick! 

Tiny Revolution Squeeze Bottle

Revolution (3 month supply for puppies under 2 kg)
and Milbemax Multi-wormer 

Here's the little guy looking mighty pleased with himself after a good round of fetch and exercise! 

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