Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Mochi's First Grooming! (and other updates)

On May 9th, Mochi got his first grooming session.  We hired someone to come up to the flat to wash him, clip his nails, and cut the fur on his paws (for better floor traction), belly, and around his eyes.  Mochi remained relatively calm for the first half of the process, but around 30 minutes into it he saw no end in sight and began to whine and squeal.  It was hard for me and Harry to bear his cries but the groomer said that it was very normal for a puppy getting his first wash.  After what seemed like hours (in reality only one hour total), Mochi was washed, clipped, and fluffed to teddy-bear like cuteness!  What a difference it was between his "wet" look and his "dry and fluffy" look -- I wouldn't have been able to recognize him if I saw him coming in from the rain!

Mochi's Not Yet Dry Look

Getting fluffy

Showing his disapproval of the washing and fluffing process

Fluffed and dapper with Daddy

Look who's acting charming now!

One day later, Mochi started losing his "fluffy" hairdo and going back to raggedy!

In other puppy related news, I visited Boo, my parents' puppy!

Meanwhile we got a Sunday morning visit from Aunt Bee.

Mochi in cuddle mode (he alternates between cuddle mode and beast mode)

Mochi's new favorite position is flat on his hind legs 

Mochi's daily routine when waiting for his meal or whenever he wants something

Mochi's new favorite relaxing position!

We finally found a small enough harness that sort of fits him. After trying multiple XS harnesses that were too big for him, this one kind of fit -- if it's not adjusted extremely tightly, his leg can still sneak out of one of the holes.  At the rate he is growing (nearly 235% growth since his arrival in our household) he should fit it very soon. 

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