Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Mochi's Tricks

Mochi has surprisingly learned to perform a very consistent trick, which is "Leave it" when we offer him something of value (chicken, some liver, etc.).

Mochi the Adolescent

In just a few short months Mochi has become almost fully grown! He is currently about 3.8 kg and our vet says he only has about 5% more growth margin probably.  Mochi has grown to become a loyal, stick-by-your-side, neat little dog and we wouldn't trade him for the world.  He loves to playfully push his favorite toys under the couch and retrieve them back (most of the time needing our help since he pushes it too far in), loves his liver treats and homemade meals, and has become so much more comfortable with his daily treadmill exercise as well as bathtime and grooming time.  He still loves Ducky the most as his favorite toy, but the other Tsum Tsums come in a close second. His hobby is stealing socks and other soft items from the closet and around the house.  His best buddy is Boo, my mom's dog, the two get on like white on rice anytime they are together.  We are really happy also that Mochi has become so much more comfortable at the park with other dogs, he goes right up to big dogs now to sniff them and will run around freely around the vicinity where we put our stuff!
Here he is making mischief with Boo before their bathtime!

Mochi definitely goes from raggedy to spruced up after a bath.

A cute shot with one of his favorite toys, Mr. Carrot. 

Throwback to when Mochi was itty bitty!

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Rainy Day Outing to Mikiki with Friends

Today we were supposed to go to Penfold Park for a puppy picnic with many of our friends with dogs, but unfortunately it was Thunderstorm and Red Rain signal, so we decided to move the party to Mikiki Mall in San Po Kong instead.  Inside Mikiki there's a pet cafe that allows dogs to socialize while owners have a drink.  Admission is $70 for dogs which includes equal value of doggy snacks and cakes (which are very cute replicas of human food, like meat pies and cupcakes).  Owners pay $30 each and it includes one drink.  Celine, Clarence, and Cooper came along, as well as Annli and Bob.

$70 doggy entrance fee got us two lamb mincemeat pies for Mochi

Celine, Cooper, me, and Mochi

Mochi about to enjoy his mincemeat pie!

Mochi and Boo's 6-Month Birthday Party

Mochi and Boo celebrated their 6-month birthday on Friday because my mom's helper had taken it upon herself to order personalized cakes for the two pups.  She ordered their names to be written on the cake as well as the word "BROTHERS" because these two are close like brothers-- Mochi doesn't play as well with any other pup as he does with Boo, and vice versa.  It must be their shared roots from the same pet store (they were just one cage apart).  Mochi and Boo played so hard together that Mochi knocked out two of Boo's canine teeth (!!!) much to the delight of my mother, who was afraid Boo's teeth would need to be extracted.  Boo barely touched his cake but Mochi would have happily devoured it all had we not stopped him!

Boo's sweet smile and signature head cocking. 

Mochi cannot wait to devour this.

But he was good and we got at least one good shot!

Nom, chomp, nom!!

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Mochi's Swimming Outing @ Petfield Hong Kong

Mochi swam for the first time in an outdoor swimming pool, and he did not like it at all! All he wanted to do was to get out of the pool, which is really too bad since it's such a good exercise for his joints and he is a pretty good swimmer!

Monday, July 6, 2015

Our homecoming after two weeks' holiday in Europe

This was Mochi's cute and frantic welcoming to us after we returned from two whole weeks holidays in Europe! Poor little guy couldn't contain himself!

Two Ingredient Homemade Doggie Treats

Two Ingredient Homemade Doggie Treats for Mochi

1   4 oz. jar of baby food (we used beef and veggie)
1    cup of organic wheat flour (pre-approved by veterinarian that most doggies are tolerant of wheat!)

Mix and form dough ball.  Roll out into flat circle (I used a water bottle since no rolling pins around) and use your cookie cutter shape of choice to cut out individual doggie treats.  I added kibbles and frozen green peas as decoration.

Bake at 350 degrees F for 25 minutes, allow to cool and allow doggie to enjoy!

Nom, nom, nom!

The Kong Wobbler

Mochi and his new Kong wobbler brought from Auntie Joyce in the US!  He had no idea what to do with it at first but he soon got the hang of it.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Staycation @ Lamma Island!

We finally made it on our first overnight "staycation" with Mochi.  In some ways it was exactly like bringing a baby or toddler out for the first time -- there's an inundating amount of stuff to bring just for one night.  Pee pads, pee tray, water bottle, swim gear, food supply, toys, wipes, harness, leash, pillow, treats, brush, shampoo, the list goes on.  

When we got to the ferry pier entrance we found out that we had to buy a doggy ticket for Mochi -- $10 HKD versus a child's fare of $8.7 HKD! :-O  

Mochi did really well on his ferry journey:

After checking into our AirBnB flat which was conveniently located right next to the only dog friendly beach on the island, we took Mochi out for his very first swim:

He was a natural and though he was a bit nervous at first, we soon were able to take off his lifejacket and he swam towards the shore with the waves helping push him in. Afterwards he was exhausted and all the big dogs on the beach were a bit intimidating so he konked out:

Shortly after his nap and a subsequent bath in the bathtub back at our 'home' for the evening, he was ready for action again!  We went to the Concerto Inn restaurant where dogs are welcome and this was his happy satisfied look after a day of fun in the sun:

On Sunday we took an early ferry back to Central and decided to introduce Mochi to our church family.  He got lots of love and even enjoyed the entire worship session without a single whine or bark!

It was a fun weekend and our next outing will be when we get back from Holland (traveling without Mochi unfortunately due to horrendous customs and airport regulations for traveling with animals) in a few weeks' time! 

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Mochi's IKEA bed!

Following the Japanese-led trend of turning IKEA DUKTIG dollbed into a bed for pets has been great fun for Mochi as well as Harry and I.  The size is perfect for a cat or a toy breed dog like Mochi, and at $129 HKD you can't beat the value.  Mochi was a bit apprehensive at first to get up onto his new bed but after a few treats he was convinced and now it is one of his favorite lounging spots in the house.

Photos with Mochi

Our good friend Beatrix came over on Sunday to take some photos of Mochi and us -- and it was a lot of fun!  Mochi was very active and we needed to bribe him using some treats in order for him to pose for some still shots.  I love the way that they came out, here are a few samples from the shoot:

Friday, May 22, 2015

Mochi's Behavioural Issues and First Time Puppy Socialization Class

Mochi has entered his "terrible two's" so to speak, in terms of puppy behavior.  For the last two weeks he has been trying our patience with:

- constant pee off the pee pad
- growling
- jumping up on everything (and he's getting taller on bigger....)
- barking
- biting everything in sight
- resource guarding (especially his favorite toy, a small round duck)

We had another week or two to go before our first puppy training class with my parents' dog, Boo, and the trainer we had hired, James Leung.  That meant that we needed to just get through this trying period before official training without losing our minds.  To top it off, I had been going crazy with trying new foods with Mochi, not knowing that puppies' tummies are extremely sensitive, and the day I gave Mochi some cheese to eat he got seriously lethargic and ill and sulked in the corner of the living room all day.  The following morning, he vomited.  The vet advised us to keep him on a chicken and rice diet for a few days, which we followed but then I introduced a few kibbles back into his diet and he vomited again the next morning!  It seems he had quite the irritable tummy and it was too soon to get him back on his kibble diet.  The vet (who is extremely patient with our first time parenting skills) said, "Ok, no kibbles! Four days of chicken and rice only!" So now on a daily basis we are preparing chicken and rice for the Mochi.  He seemed to be quite bright and active other than his vomiting, so we decided to go ahead with his puppy training class.  This is the first time he met Boo, and the first time he had seen other dogs in a good long while, so it was a pretty big deal for him!

Mochi's mood all day after eating cheese -- who knew he's intolerant to dairy???

Mochi and Boo meet for the first time at puppy socialization class!

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Dog-Friendly Outings in Hong Kong with Mochi

Ever since Mochi arrived in our household, I have been looking for dog-friendly places to take him-- indoor, outdoor, whatever!  He hasn't gotten his third shot yet (that's in two weeks' time), but I am eagerly waiting for the day that he can finally roam around in the "real" world outside our apartment without fear of contracting some funky illness.  In the meantime, I've been doing research and conjuring up some fun outings for when he's ready to go.

Outing #1:  Mikiki Mall in Prince Edward (May 2015)
I was very excited to find out about this mall, which was built with pets in mind.  You can rent a pet stroller for free and dogs are allowed to walk all around the mall with you.  They are not allowed in restaurants except for the terrace of California Pizza Kitchen.  It was Mochi's very first outing and he didn't like much the pet pram -- I think he would have much preferred walking but as he hasn't gotten all his jabs yet I didn't want to take the risk.  There are plenty of dog supply shops in the mall and we saw a few other canines including Corgies.

First time in a shopping mall

Outing #2: Weekend getaway @ Lamma Island 
- We booked an Air BNB flat allowing doggie friends to join and we will take Mochi to the dog friendly beach (one of the only ones in HK!) for his first swim.

Outing #3:  Sun Yat Sen Memorial Park + Brunch at Open Door Cafe (Planned for July 2015)
Every Saturday morning I do boxing with my bootcamp, BikiniFit, at Sun Yat Sen Memorial Park.  I was happy to discover that there's actually a pet park located adjacent to the SYS park, where Harry can hang out with Mochi while I exercise.  After boxing class, we can walk over to Open Door Cafe & Courtyard where puppies are allowed inside the restaurant and they even host puppy and owner yoga classes here!  This would make for a fun Saturday morning outing.

Outing #4: Tai Long Wan Camping (Planned for when weather gets cooler)
Tai Long Wan is probably one of the best beaches in Hong Kong, and Ham Tin Wan is the place to go with some tents in tow for the night.  I plan to drive from home to Sai Kung Town on a Saturday morning and park at the cheapest overnight parking in Sai Kung (http://www.mackcarpark.com.hk/eng/carpark_info.php?id=28#), the Sha Kok Mei Car Park, and then grab some brunch and supplies in Sai Kung Town Center (probably Classified or Pepperoni's or any of the dog friendly places around Sai Kung Town Center) before hiring a water taxi to take us to Ham Tin Wan (about $130-$150 per person, 30 mins each way).  Hopefully the boats won't mind puppy in lifejacket for the ride! On the way back we can book our water taxi back from the shop/restaurant in Ham Tin.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Mochi's First Grooming! (and other updates)

On May 9th, Mochi got his first grooming session.  We hired someone to come up to the flat to wash him, clip his nails, and cut the fur on his paws (for better floor traction), belly, and around his eyes.  Mochi remained relatively calm for the first half of the process, but around 30 minutes into it he saw no end in sight and began to whine and squeal.  It was hard for me and Harry to bear his cries but the groomer said that it was very normal for a puppy getting his first wash.  After what seemed like hours (in reality only one hour total), Mochi was washed, clipped, and fluffed to teddy-bear like cuteness!  What a difference it was between his "wet" look and his "dry and fluffy" look -- I wouldn't have been able to recognize him if I saw him coming in from the rain!

Mochi's Not Yet Dry Look

Getting fluffy

Showing his disapproval of the washing and fluffing process

Fluffed and dapper with Daddy

Look who's acting charming now!

One day later, Mochi started losing his "fluffy" hairdo and going back to raggedy!

In other puppy related news, I visited Boo, my parents' puppy!

Meanwhile we got a Sunday morning visit from Aunt Bee.

Mochi in cuddle mode (he alternates between cuddle mode and beast mode)

Mochi's new favorite position is flat on his hind legs 

Mochi's daily routine when waiting for his meal or whenever he wants something

Mochi's new favorite relaxing position!

We finally found a small enough harness that sort of fits him. After trying multiple XS harnesses that were too big for him, this one kind of fit -- if it's not adjusted extremely tightly, his leg can still sneak out of one of the holes.  At the rate he is growing (nearly 235% growth since his arrival in our household) he should fit it very soon. 

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Discovering the KONG toy!

In the last few days Mochi's jaw strength has increased tremendously as he is teething and gaining better motor skills and overall strength, and he is starting to discover the intrigue of the KONG, a reputed puppy/dog chew toy used by many to stimulate chewing and mental exercise.  You can hide all sorts of treats inside the KONG and a puppy has to manipulate it to get to the treats.  Some owners put peanut butter, canned dog food, veggies, kibble, and other treats inside to KONG to hold a puppy's attention for hours. The KONG company even produced a squeezable treat (for those who grew up in the USA in the 80's, it's not unlike CHEEZ WHIZ!) to fill the KONG with.  Here's a few good sites that suggest things to insert inside a KONG.  Keep in mind that your puppy's tummy is sensitive so use your judgement for what he can handle.


Here are also some other toy ideas for keeping a puppy busy:


 I tried to put some of Mochi's wet dog food inside the KONG last week as well as a few kibbles but Mochi wasn't interested.  However, the last few days we have seen him grabbing toys with a new strength and vigor so I revisited the KONG by putting a few dry kibbles inside and he loved it!

Update May 23rd:
I got Mochi a puppy sized and puppy textured tiny Kong, and he's been doing so well with it compared to the normal adult sized one he had been playing with.  The puppy sized Kong is lighter and easier to manipulate for tiny dogs and he has learned that picking it up and dropping it is the best way to shake out the treats locked within.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Puppy Teething

Within the last two weeks Mochi has already begun to change his taste for different chew toys.  When he first arrived he barely had the jaw strength to pick up a soft stuffed toy, but now he is tearing through the house with them and is even picking up slightly more chewy, rubbery toys as well.  Soon his baby teeth will be falling out and be replaced by his adult teeth, so having a wide variety of chew textures for him to work with helps the process along.

Tiny Puppy Treatments - Flea, Heartworm, and Dewormer (Roundworm, Tapeworm, Hookworm)

After Mochi's second vaccination the vet sent us home with some tiny treatments for Mochi: a flea and heartworm treatment made by REVOLUTION for puppies under 2kg, and a general dewormer targeting worms such as roundworm, tapeworm, and hookworm made by Milbemax.  She advised us to wait a few days after the vaccination to make sure he was not reacting to it before giving these medications to him, so since two days have passed without any adverse effects from the shot I gave them to him this morning.  

The Revolution package came with a 3 month supply (3 tubes), and it was very easy to administer.  It's simply a small tube of liquid that you squeeze onto the neck skin of the puppy, no rubbing needed.  It's absorbed topically through the skin and it's needed once a month to keep Mochi flea free and it treats heartworm too, although a full heartworm cycle takes six months to become mature and as Mochi is only 3 months old it's not entirely necessary as of yet.  

He also got a chewy dewormer tablet which I thought he would gobble up, but surprisingly he sniffed at it and left it where it was.  I tried to cut it up into four tiny pieces and he still wouldn't take the bait, so finally I mixed it into some soft canned dog food and that did the trick! 

Tiny Revolution Squeeze Bottle

Revolution (3 month supply for puppies under 2 kg)
and Milbemax Multi-wormer 

Here's the little guy looking mighty pleased with himself after a good round of fetch and exercise! 

Monday, May 4, 2015

Shake Hands, Mochi!

After picking up "sit" and "down," Mochi has now picked up "shake hands!" and is doing it on his own whenever he wants attention or wants to remind us to give him a treat.  

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Mochi's Food

The pet shop sent us home with a bag of Clinivet Puppy Food and some cans of ProLife wet food and advised us to feed Mochi three times a day. However, we quickly discovered that Mochi did much better on more frequent feeds so we increased the amount to 5 times a day (6AM, 10AM, 2PM, 6PM, and 10PM).  After his big growth spurt from 0.65kg --> 0.9kg in a matter of one week, our vet said we should increase his food amount to keep up with his growth.  Currently Mochi eats about 50grams a day of Clinivet, plus a spoonful of wet food (Wellness Puppy brand) added to each meal.

After researching extensively for quality puppy food on various review and rating websites, I decided to splurge on a bag of Orijen Puppy Food, which retails for about $300 HKD/bag on average.  This would feed Mochi for 1-1.5 months approximately, so it's not cheap for those who are watching their budget.  For the price of one bag of food, I could pay for a whole month's gym membership!  In any case, Orijen came out on top in every way as the ingredients are locally sourced in Canada (no cheap China fillers) and is human grade food -- tons of free range deboned chicken, wild caught fish, and lots of other nutritious goodness for puppy growth.

You are supposed to transition puppies to a new food over a 7 day period by gradually increasing the ratio of new food to old so that their stomachs don't get upset.  However since Mochi showed no signs of tummy sensitivity whatsoever and wolfed down every meal I tried to give him 50/50 right away of old and new food, but this resulted in softer (and stinkier!!) stools that he would subsequently trample over and get all over his sleeping area!  After a few times of this I decided to switch him back to the Clinivet diet, and now I am slowly introducing the Orijen a few kibbles at a time with each meal (along with a spoonful of white rice) and his stools have been much less stinky and more firm.

The food that the pet shop sent us home with

The top-rated puppy dog food we are trying out

The wet food we are supplementing the dry food with